Saavsus™, Inc. develops and commercializes evidence-based programs that promote child and family health and well-being.

Saavsus, Inc. was established in 2014 with a core mission focused on the commercialization of research and evidence-based behavioral science curricula, interventions, and educational materials that can be deployed in real world settings for use by clinicians, educators, and social services providers. Co-founder, Paul Berger, had marketing experience working with several firms in Eugene, Oregon that conducted translational research in behavioral health and education, but had limited success in generating revenue. A common characteristic of these firms was that skills needed to obtain funding, then design and develop products, did not include market research or client collaboration. So well-meaning projects resulted in limited marketing efforts with products that were disconnected to the needs of real-world users.

When founded, Saavsus focused on the opportunity to publish, on a royalty basis, products that had been grant funded and evaluated as evidence based. In 2021 Saavsus began efforts to develop products utilizing funding through NIH Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) grant programs.

In August 2021, Deb Johnson-Shelton, Ph.D. joined the Saavsus management team as Chief Science Officer. Dr. Johnson-Shelton had conducted community and school-based evaluations and research for over 31 years when she joined Saavsus; and she brought a passion for real world impact of research that mirrored the Saavsus mission. Jeanette Ricci, Ph.D. joined Saavsus in September of 2022. In less than two years of Dr. Johnson-Shelton’s tenure with Saavsus, she and Dr. Ricci shepherded four grant applications through NIH that have resulted in four grant awards for projects currently under development.

An integral part of our grant submissions is market research and outreach, including multiple qualitative interviews and national surveys conducted to confirm market needs as part of the grant development process. Saavsus incorporates feedback and formative input from market leaders throughout the product development process. Saavsus has also defined a goal to form spinout companies once project development is completed to ensure that revenue driven commercialization and new product generation addressing market needs is achieved.