Pocket PE 3-5 Evaluation Project

On this site, you will find information on how your school can participate in a low-burden evaluation project and receive a $1,000 stipend, learn more about Pocket PE, and opt in if you wish to be contacted to participate in the evaluation.

This project is supported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)under Award Number R44DP006743. The content is solely the responsibility of Saavsus, Inc. and does not necessarily represent the official views of the CDC.


How Can Your School Receive $1,000?

What is Pocket PE?

  • Pocket PE is an evidence-based digital app under development by Saavsus, Inc. to assist K-5th grade classroom teachers with physical education instruction.

  • Pocket PE includes instructional activity videos for teachers and the capability to generate fun, standards-based PE lessons with audio and visual prompts within seconds.

What are we asking of you?

  • Choose one 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade classroom for participation.

  • Teachers and students complete surveys and participate in PE observations.

If your participating classrooms are randomly assigned to receive the Pocket PE 3-5 program:

  • Teachers use the Pocket PE 3-5 digital app (device provided) to teach PE for 12 weeks

What do all participating schools get?

  • $1,000 compensation for participating in the study

  • Incentives for teachers for completing surveys

  • Opportunity to use the Pocket PE 3-5 program to support teachers in delivering fun, engaging, and standards-based PE lessons to their students

Want to know more?

  • Contact Stephanie Butler at stephaniebutler@saavsus.com or fill out the form below.


Our Research

Circuit-based PE lessons: A recipe for student and teacher success!

PE Professional Development for Classroom Teachers

Pocket PE Prototype Evaluation Findings


Preview of the App

Preview of the Instructional Videos


Meet the Team