SBIR/STTR Product Development Model

Dissemination Mission

Saavsus is dedicated to disseminating research and evidence-based programs and materials that impact the lives of children and families. We are interested in a wide range of programs that address human services and educational needs. We collaborate with research scientists to submit Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR)/Small Business Technical Transfer Research (STTR) grants to fund development and evaluation of products for dissemination. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) and Institution of Educational Sciences (IES) grants enable Saavsus to produce evidence-based intervention programs, assessment tools, curricula, and educational materials.

Intellectual Property Rights

Saavsus supports research scientists in maintaining full ownership of all intellectual property rights (IP) for content and discoveries they develop. This practice eliminates complex IP negotiations with scientists and technology transfer offices, allowing us to focus on developing evidence-based and practical materials for marketing. Funding provided by SBIR/STTR grants support Saavsus administration and direct costs for product development, evaluation, publishing, market planning, and dissemination.

Pre-Submission Project Planning

We begin the grant development process by consulting extensively with potential research partners. We then gather market input from providers who would be potential product purchasers. We specify appropriate project technology, identify contractors, and provide project management and oversight planning.  Our goal is to identify the appropriate tools and design needed to build products that meet the rigor of science with fidelity, the needs of our clients for best practice, and strong business viability.

In pre-grant submission planning, we negotiate a performance-based royalty agreement with our research partner(s). We believe in a transparent business model that clearly establishes rights, responsibilities, compensations, and performance metrics prior to grant development. This ensures the integrity of relationships for all stakeholders in our grant partnerships. Saavsus derives product dissemination income from successful sales efforts.

Roles in our academic-business partnership for SBIR/STTR grant development are as follows:

  • University and academic partner:

    • Conduct primary discovery research

    • Collaborate with Saavsus in preparing grant application

    • Provide SBIR grant compensated staff as required

    • Receive royalty compensation

    • Participate in future derivative product development

  • Saavsus grant services:

    • Write and manage grant proposal

    • Administer grant awards and activities

  • Saavsus publishing services:

    • Provide initial and continuing user input and progress review

    • Manage product design

    • Specify and manage technology development

    • Produce media assets

    • Create print components

    • Conduct evaluation studies

  • Saavsus marketing/dissemination services:

    • Develop promotional materials

    • Conduct direct email and online prospect outreach

    • Create web and print promotional materials

    • Manage sales and marketing activities

    • Pay royalties to academic partners and IP holders