
Interventions, prevention courses, and educational materials addressing adolescent behavioral health needs. Professional development materials to support those who work with adolescents with behavioral health issues. Programs and assessment tools that facilitate the transition of at-risk youth and adolescents with disabilities into mainstream classrooms and adult life.




Adolescent Coping with Depression Course - Free Download

The Adolescent Coping with Depression Course (CWD-A) combines cognitive and behavioral strategies aimed at addressing the types of problems commonly found in depressed adolescents. The CWD-A includes the therapist leader's manual and a student workbook.

Transition Skills

W.A.G.E.S. - A Job-Related Social Skills Curriculum for Adolescents

A job-related social skills curriculum for adolescents utilizing a cognitive-behavioral approach. It includes 33 lessons with complementary activities and assessments and is suitable for delivery in a nine-week term.

Professional Development