Make Parenting A Pleasure Research Opportunity
/Parenting Now! is conducting an evaluation of Make Parenting A Pleasure® at sites across the U.S. If you plan to offer an MPAP group this fall, they would like to talk with you!
Help them recruit parents to participate in the Make Parenting A Pleasure study and contribute to the science of what works in parenting education.
- Participating parents receive up to $60
- Participating agency will receive one free MPAP training or a free package of parent booklets
- Participating parenting educator will receive $50
- They'll provide a customized flyer to help you recruit parents
Recruitment ends October, 2014. For more information, click here.
Funded in part from a grant via the Education Development Center, Inc. on behalf of SAMHSA, U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (Center for Substance Abuse Prevention, Contract #HHSS277200800004C, Reference #277-08-0218).