Parenting: The First Three Years® parenting education support videos on DVD available now

Eugene, OR- Saavsus, Inc., the exclusive publisher and distributor for Parenting Now!, announces the availability of Parenting: The First Three Years - Support Videos.  This series of short videos is ideal for home visitation purposes or to support understanding of child development in parenting education classes.  It was produced under a grant from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development.

"This wonderful DVD will be helpful to parents by providing brief visual depictions of responding supportively to a wide range of situations that commonly occur in infancy and early childhood, the years that shape the person who is developing," states Vincent J. Felitti, MD, Co-Principal Investigator of the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study.

The DVD contains 38 engaging 1-7 minute videos addressing child development, stress management, communications, and couple relationship topics for parents of children ages birth through 35 months. It contains almost two and a half hours of content.  A complete listing of video segments, run times, and sample videos can be found at:

During the first three years, children's long-term developmental trajectories are established, and the quality of parenting children receive during those years has a profound influence. The video vignettes contained in Parenting: The First Three Years - Support Videos support parenting educators and home visitors to effectively address a wide range of key parenting topics to help parents do their best.

“Since its inception in 1978, Parenting Now! has been serving parents through direct service and by providing parenting educators with compelling curricula and tools to support their efforts.” says Lynne Swartz, Executive Director of Parenting Now! “We’re excited to see these videos become available to support parenting educators and home visitors with concrete examples of effective parenting strategies.”

Parenting: The First Three Years -  Support Videos is sold for $199 when purchased in quantities of 1-3. For purchases of 4 or more copies, the price is reduced to $159. To view segment descriptions and sample videos visit:, click here.

Parenting Now!’s (formerly Birth To Three) mission is that all children will be raised by nurturing, skilled parents. The curricula are used worldwide.